Monday, March 29, 2010

Family Stick Figures

After a stressful day I wanted to do something fun and spur of the moment to cheer myself up. And I was thinking about how much I appreciate my husband and family of cats. At that moment I thought of those decals people have on the rear windows of their cars to show the makeup of their family.

Little did I know the vast amount of choices I'd have and the number of web sites from which to choose. The one I finally chose,, had a girl with a book and cute cats.

I ordered the decals, and now I have seven figures all lined up on the back window of my car - husband, wife, and five cats. Just for fun.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Google Calendar

Wouldn't it be great if you could sync your work calendar and personal calendar and also view it on your mobile phone? And wouldn't it be great if it could all just happen in the ether without any intervention? It's possible! I installed Google Calendar Sync on my work computer so my work Outlook calendar would sync with my family Google calendar. In addition, I set up my iPhone calendar settings so it would use Google calendar. Now on my iPhone I can view just my work calendar or just my family calendar or everything. Very handy. Very easy. Love it!